Results for "New Year"


  • Wits - Julia Sweeney "Sex Ed." Monologue

    Wits guest star Julia Sweeney shares a story about discussing the birds and bees (and frogs) with her eight-year-old daughter.

  • white eagles first engine out in soaring trike at elk river fly in

    well here goes . i had a engine out at the elk river fly in this year in my soaring trike. thought i commment poss or neg.i flew my elsa 2 place redback at elk river the year before and i do believe i wou...

  • first engine running

    I hope I finished today... On next veekend we will have the Aeromeeting near Myjava city. Im happy because it will my first cross country flight in present year. It will my first flight... :) I checked oil, petrol, warming engine, checked radio and intercom. Im ready!

  • Childers Fly-In 2014

    I flew in to the Childers Wings and Wheels Weekend on Sunday, as I did last year. The show is a smaller regional aerodrome, but still fun and interesting to see what aircraft arrive...

  • second flight 2020

    My second flight this year. Martin flew with me and Henrich flew on his own PeaBee.

  • Yarrawonga Flight Training

    Here is a video I made around a year or so ago. Basically, it is an unsolicited promotional video for Yarrawonga Flight Training. I was so impressed with Peter and Anne's operation, I felt I had to share it to the world!

  • Flying With George - First Flight 2013

    First flight of 2013... Wishing all a wonderful new year filled with great flying adventures. Jan 1st, 2013 just before sunset, -3 degrees Celcius, 12 minute flight, three trips around the pattern. Special thanks to nonperishable for their music.

  • First Flight of 2015

    My first flight of 2015. Happy New Year to All !

  • Ibex

    ...uldn't have to clean the salt off my undercarriage. I visited Ibex a few years ago and camped at the volcanic island that rises out of the salt. This year the island was surrounded on...

  • Flying with Dazza

    Earlier this year I flew with Dazza. Recently I wanted to know how to combine flight data into a video. I have now worked out a way to do this as shown in this video. I...