Results for "Trike Shimmying at landing"


  • electric trike pittmedows bc


  • Evening Trike Flight

    Short trike flight around Quitman-Brooks County Airport, (4J5).

  • 9,000 Miles in a Trike

    Uploaded by Henry Imgw on Dec 9, 2011 I flew over 150 hours in my trike in the year 2011, it equals about 9,000 miles in distance. Thank you all the trike p...

  • Introduction to Trike Flying

    I found this vintage video of introduction to Trike Flying. I thought it was interesting, you may like it too.

  • Lisa's First Trike Flight

    Here is a fun little video of Lisa overcoming her worries and fears. Leo Fitzgerald took her up for her first trike flight over the skies of Pahrump and for a minute below ground level. Fear quickly turned into an incredible experience. Kudos Lisa!

  • Turbine Powered Trike

    Figured you all would get a kick out of this turbine powered trike. "pasadas rapidas con un ultraligero pendular con motores a reacción en peñascosa (albacete)" Past ultra fast with a pendulum with jet engines in rocky (Albacete)

  • around LZDV

    I flew from LZDV to Budmerice castle, Cerveny Kameň (Red stone) castle, over RC models airport, Senec lakes, over our trike school instructor Janys house, back wave to next trike instructor Igor...

  • Hang Glider Tow Running Behind a Trike!

    Hang Glider Tow Running Behind a Trike - and a pretty sensational video for the rest of it too. Hope they de-thorned the roses. Enjoy!

  • Thomas Bilik - my friend

    Thomas need filled his fuel tank. But he chose bad field to landing :) There was not taxi way to road... He putted canisters to his hands and go... He filled his tank and to back seat he put 2 full...

  • How Close Can Aircrafts Get Before they See Each Other

    Not my video, but it is a good example on how distracted or passive we can get while flying. Right of way...e your butt. I don't think the guy in the fixed wing aircraft saw the trike at all. You can see the trike p...