Results for "My terrifying Trike flight story"

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  • Adjustable B-bar (belly bar shaped like a B)

    I recall a B-bar that attached to your base-tube that could be adjusted in (nearly 360 degrees as I recall) in flight. I’m looking to build one. Anybody have an old photo. I can’t remember the locking and rotating mechanism/hardware.

  • Call to Action. Adding Spiral recovery Tasks to the Practical Test Standards (PTS).

    ...nstructors while performing a flight review required for all can be either in the Slow Flight and Stalls Area after the whi...the tuck tumble task for WSC/trikes and similar to the Spin Aware...of exactly the sequence among flight instructors, but  I utilized for specific wing/trike...

  • New Gibbo Wing Mako 15 RST

    Gibbo Gear is coming out with a new wing, a 15 meter double surface, check out their...urfaces to shift independently of each other during flight improving handling. Another c...the detached under surface is you can pre-fligh...

  • New Gibbo Wing Mako 15 RST

    Gibbo Gear is coming out with a new wing, a 15 meter double surface, check out their...urfaces to shift independently of each other during flight improving handling. Another c...the detached under surface is you can pre-fligh...

  • Fooling with video editing software

    Hello Folks, My buddy's daughter did a XC in the family trike last week, and made a (private) video of the exp...t more time on my hands. I've been flying my ass off. This is not a "trike...

  • Where can I find a good compass and mount for front tube

    Hi Friends,   I am looking to mount a compass on the front tube of my trike. Can anyone give me an idea of a good compass a...e with the front tube?   On my old trike...ght and can be mounted to the front tube of the trike...

  • Wish me luck everyone...

    Tomorrow I am having my check flight and final exam - and all going well I shall be a certifiable... ahh I mean Certified Pilot. Today I almost completed 5 hours...

  • The Case of the Missing Pilot

    The Case of the Missing Pilot A pilot left home about 8:30 a.m. to do some the driveway, and presents his wife with a pizza, and begins the apologetic story. "I finished cleanin...

  • Open or enclosed trailer

    Hi, I've researched on the aluminum trailer, open and enclosed.  I opted for the open 24-26 feet, very light load.   I want to load my trike...s about 5,000-6,000 lbs load. The enclosed trailer with trike...


    i hear that TESLA is considering building a 'self flying' trike for 'transitioning' pilots who are haveing dificul...r left, (or is it the other way?, i'm always getting confused with that part of trike...