Results for "First Time"

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  • A true storry I explained him what mistakes he did and what i will expect in next time. THE BEST ON THE END :)) Eve...ed a lot...etc etc. She wont to pay next training for her husband!!! At first I wanted start laughed...but...

  • Goats and Wedgies in Australia

    Alan Beavis, Marlies and Peter Eicher from Australia expe...or wingbeat, reaching altitudes up to 2.000 m, sometimes considerably higher.  T...eeding and nurturing their fledglings. During this time of the year, the ultralight g...

  • Ken and the Weedhopper

    ken and i drove the 600mls to lake alvord in south east to go. "i'll take it". so he did. he made better time than me flying cross country...he lakebed, all kinds of stupid stuff! ah! the good times!       freazi...

  • Acceleration: əksĕlərā'shən (Not flying related (well sort of)-- but cool as hell)

    ...those who think they have gone too fast at one time or another. This puts the Ling...nch Hemi engine makes more horsepower than the first 4 rows of stock cars at the...  The current top fuel dragster elapsed time record is 4.428 seconds for t...

  • Dean Batman

    --- In, mpoliak@... wrote: > > > > Friends,...began that had him > constantly trying to recover only a little less each time. > > Dean was an ins...

  • John's Most Excellent Adventure

    ...iend Kenzie, is along for the first part leg of this trip as they...els like? I threw up about 30 times from the pain and at that how, we don't have the time here. So work is a mess but m...great ass idea". A short time later this enormous margarita...

  • Experimental Avionics Rule: see article "Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Disruptors of Aviation" everyone else wants what we've got

    Maybe for general aviation to survive, we need more disruption. An article pu...designs, that was disruptive. And the old-line manufacturers did little, at the time, to counter this disruption....

  • Everyday Blonde Jokes

    ...ut of an airplane, who would land first? A: The brunette. The blonde...eter. Q: What does a blonde say first thing in the morning? A: Are...hat's the worst blonde joke of all time? Dan Quayle. What's the di...Ass Having To Retrain Them All The Time. Q: Why Did The Blonde Hav...

  • First Flight

    This was my first flight lesson in any aircraft of any kind...through a series of coincidence. I recall first seeing ultralight trikes being flown sometime during my high school years (...ago) at the Albuquerque balloon festival. Time passed…. Then about a...

  • Sail Wing Rocket of Namibia.  The speed was the best average time over 500 meters (546 yards), was also used in the construction.