Results for "Long Distance Tike Flying"

Top-level pages

  • Flying the -Bionix 13-

    Got a chance to put about 40 minutes, between rain showers, on Mike Globensky's new, first in US, Bionix-13. Very nice! So light in roll, unlike the 15, which fo...

  • Tail Dragger Trike

    Could a tail dragger Trike be designed? It would be the ultimate backcountry flying machine.

  • World Air Games

    Word Has it that Todd Ware will be competing in Trike Pylon Racing in Dubai in the coming days flying a P&M Quick. Live streaming coming soon via this link   Good Luck Todd!

  • Beautiful Movie Flying Hang Gliders across the Alps   The cinematography is stunning, but the film is all in German language.  Very cool to watch though.  some cool stuff starting at 40 minutes too, and a surprise ending.

  • is it time

    is it time to banish complacency ? not in...continue and enhance our 'floppy wing flying things' addiction? over the enhance our being able to still be flying these 'contraptions' in our 9...rus , they have the the experience of flying various different wings and u...

  • My Sunday Flight

    Got a chance at some great air on Sunday, and found a perfect way to end the long...Mikes, we had to get back and headed for Eldorado again. Not long a...


    another pet peeve of mine is mfrs manuals. my 1961 suzuki came with 'hints and tips on ridi...lso it claimed 'no more than 8mins are required to assemble the wing, it takes me that long t...

  • Night Ride Home

    ...and the promise of wonderful flying.  Ribbons of cloud are wra...After a battery-threateningly long R-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r we try ha...nt.  We're flying right along the coast, the long strip of be...chance wrecking everything by flying through remote NZ in a two-st...

  • Efficiency: Perfect pitch UAVs and airboats lead to new propellers (at least some good from UAVs / Drones)

    Finally found that article I was looking for on the trickle down effect of drone researc...ash;with positive implications for aircraft owners and pilots. Sensenich Propeller has long p...

  • Slithering Through the Air With the Greatest of Ease

    How SNAKES achieve aerodynamic flying shapes !!! "An airborne serpent can be the stuff of nightmares or a delicious aerodynamic puzzle."  Better aerodynamics than...