Results for "Bird like flight"

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  • Grand Canyon Trip, 2018 Day One

    I finally uploaded my flightlogs from trip out to the Grand Canyon in late O...2018. Here is Day One of the trip,7.4 hours of flight from Belen, NM to Marble Cany...the Grand Canyon.

  • Trike Shimmying at landing

    I went with my friend for a flight today, I fly a Northwing Navajo with HKS 700e. We did a few touch a...he brake and that kind of stopped the shimmying. None the less, I would like your input. For those of you...

  • Aircraft maintenance a "necessary evil"? / Waddington Efffect : Opinion Mike Busch, a well-known A&P/IA and owner of Savvy Aviator

    Mike Busch, a well-known A&P/IA and owner...ntenance isn't an inherently good thing (like exercise); it's a necessary evil (like surgery). We have to do it fr...ot trike) crash of a plane on it's first flight after it's annual inspect...

  • My Sunday Flight

    Got a chance at some great air o...mid way up the range. Looked like a layer of temperature chagne...t to disturb them. The looked like the were ready to tear down f...ed us to help look for a free flight glider gone missing. Well we...ession of trikers in the free flight glider world.  

  • The Signs Were There - when not to fly!

    Today I got some flying experie...effort, but after what seemed like minutes, the wind that took c...up an then some, I taxied, preflight checked and rolled for depart...o.  I decided to end the flight and return to base. I app...m - I would have continued my flight.  But because of my arm,...

  • How much does it cost to operate a Trike? What does this sport cost on an hourly basis?

      Exactly $62 / hr   ; )...e, this is about 8.5 hrs/mo, 1-2 flights per wkend--  many fly...l service ($39/yr .39/hr) & other flight / con-ed stuff I think it'...or two hours of flying, it only FEELS LIKE it's costing me about $10 i...

  • So you think you're a pilot

    You think you have lived to be 80 plus and know who you are…then along...; An old Marine Pilot sat down at the Starbucks, still wearing his old USMC flight jacket and ordered a cup...

  • FSA issue 96 - Blind faith

    .... At a critical moment during flight you turn to your electronic flight bag (EFB) needing informati...pple iPad 'acts thermally like a black surface, so considerabl...of rigorous testing, is just like any other mainstream electrical...s part of the ICAO electronic flight bag working group, welcomes t...

  • A lighthearted tale (several tails) of moronic stupidity...

    ...n the sun, and generally feel like you're the last person on Ear...a trike.  And these look like just the sort of cows that wo...bloke in the black and silver flight suit waving his arms like a demented pilot grounded by co...ows have developed the art of flight.  Swinging back over the...

  • Santa and the FAA

    Santa Claus, like all pilots, gets regular visits from the Federal Aviation Administration, and the FAA examiner arrived last week for the pre-Christmas flight check.In preparation, Santa h...