Results for "GA"

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  • Jasper Texas Airshow

    ...of fly-ins. I hope you guys avail yourself of the opportunity to participate. It’s great fun. A week ago I traveled to Luling, Texas for a gyro gathering and had some world fam...

  • New to the site, some questions.

    Again, hello. Im coming from a GA backround and had a chance to take...ked. I was already quite bored with GA and annoyed with all of the northwing or BRS/magnum? Regarding gps, I was wondering if...spending 700 bucks on a full blown garmin aviation unit.  I al...

  • A trip to North Queensland Australia. AKA The Bundy Run...

    ...mist, and the cold moist air gave Les a few less than comfort...rsquo;t find an altitude that gave us smooth flying, so we lur...ueled up and became airborne again. Due to the headwind that s...ect us, and Anne was unhappy again. When Harold, whose bit of...

  • Tax question, when purchasing a new trike

    ...state that I needed to pay taxes on it, which I did. Now that I am a resident of Oregon, how would that change? Anyone? any ideas. Regards. Rizzy  ...

  • Dean Batman

    ...recovered. > Then his heart issues returned and a downhill slide began that had him > constantl...always given of himself without > asking for anything in return. He gave us a vision, a dream, a pat...

  • Third edition of TrikeMag now out

    Just published the third edition of TrikeMag. For viewing on smartphones or tablets. Apple or Android. You can get the download links here. Free magazine for Trike Pilots. And yes, Jozinko gets a mention again!

  • Fly-ins – 2013 (revised 3-14-13)

    ...X 255 miles Apr 13 EAA 1343 Fly In Breakfast Gallatin, TN, USA 662 miles...KIWS-West Houston Airport 18000 Groschke Rd Hangar B5 April 20 PRA Chap...TARGETS, TIMED FLIGHTS USING WAYPOINTS, 21 CARD GAME, ARCHERY, MOUNTAIN BIKING...

  • Fly-ins – 2013 (revised 3-28-13)

    ...April 13 EAA 1343 Fly In Breakfast Gallatin, TN, USA 662 miles...uston Airport 18000 Groschke Rd Hangar B5 April 20 PRA $10 and available from or at the gate. Enjoy a burger, hayrides,...eam Plant Fly In and Aviation Expo Gallatin, TN, USA 662 miles J...

  • Fly-ins – 2013 (revised 3-21-13)

    ...irport 730 Airport Parkway Dallas, GA, Dallas, Georgia Mar 23 S...Apr 13 EAA 1343 Fly In Breakfast Gallatin, TN, USA 662 miles...uston Airport 18000 Groschke Rd Hangar B5 April 20 PRA Chap...ED FLIGHTS USING WAYPOINTS, 21 CARD GAME, ARCHERY, MOUNTAIN BIKING...

  • Experimental Avionics Rule: see article "Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Disruptors of Aviation" everyone else wants what we've got survive, we need more disruption. An article published in Wired magazine (Clayton Christensen, but maybe no one recognized the disruption. For another example, Garmin recently revealed that an...