Results for "First Time"

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  • Gibbo Manta 17 wing First Impressions

    ...I test flew my wing for the very first time. I was quite nervous to tell y...urs (about 150 hours) pilot so my first impressions should be taken...l to putt around and get some air time, probably not ideal cross you will love this one, last time when Instructor Reb flew my t...

  • chinese parts on your trike

    hi all havent been on for awhile.i am doing a 503 transpl...n parts supplies thru the process.bought a 503 zero time rebuild on e bay it was a dea...w not rebuilt that dont make it out of the shop sometimes.anyway i vented enough now b...


    ken and i were flying a beaver ul doing a freebie promotional photo-shoot of 'boris' one eye glued to the view-finder, the other shut. as i was a fairly low time newbie airplane driver things...

  • Halleluja, still got my half-million dollar plane.

    Did yiu guys catch that? The guy blows the 'chute on his Cirrus and when it didn't op...According to FlightAware the aircraft left Addison just before 11 a.m. local time on May 16 and returned 36 min...

  • Passive Detection Systems.

    ...r stories of the pilot on his first run for the day, who hits the...;    But three times in two years I have had a pho...ill fully recover, and at the time of writing Jerry is still in W...base of the sheer cliff. The first time I flew around that area I did...


    i've read about 'goose stepping', seen results of it, but until this A...9; gassed' my way out of it, but with the engine at idle 'spool-up' time would be a ploblem (as chines...

  • Old Guys

    Never underestimate the old guy I took my dad to the mall the other day to buy...My dad kept staring at him. The teenager would look and find him staring every time. When the teenager had en...

  • Firesleeves or No Firesleeves, that is the quesion

    Hi all,   I was reading up on Rotax 912 engines and realized that same 91...iresleeve is to sustain an engine fire for 5- 15 minutes. Hopefully enough time for you to take necessary ste...

  • stones spupidicity 101

    the other day, for no good reason i changed my 12m wing for my 14.7. it was hot he...decided there was even more fun waiting for me up there so took off again. this time i SLOWLY realized something h...

  • Santa and the FAA

    Santa Claus, like all pilots, gets regular visits from the Federal Aviation Administr... The examiner winked and said, "I'm not supposed to tell you this ahead of time," as he leaned over to whispe...