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  • Why we have a Radio...

    ...nbsp;   So why have a radio? A flight radio gives you, the...he VOR function, but would you use it? Only once in a blue moon! &he...o silent. What would your reaction be? I know what mine was..... "Sh...  And if you haven't got Radio?  Well, you don't know wh...

  • What GPS to buy

    Hi, I am in the market to buy a new GPS for my trike and I would like your input. Currently I have the old Garmin GPS iii. What GPS do you use, why do you use it and how much did it run you? Thanks for your help. Regards, Rizzy

  • A lighthearted tale (several tails) of moronic stupidity...

    There's a little grass strip amongst the tussocks in a nearby valley that I love.  It's on a river terrace above a small gorge surrounded by soft green hills, a...

  • chinese parts on your trike

    ...pump too ordered a rebuild kit from some spruce place and guess whats in a genuine mikuini kit parts made in tiwan roc china.cant get antything else?i have been in the auto repair...

  • TrikeMag Second edition now out

    Sorry for reposting this but I think the last post was just a photo??? Our second edition of TrikeMag just published. A free magazine for Trike Pilots. In this edition:...

  • Trike pilots are famous now on Smithsonian Museum magazine "Air and Space" !!

    Thanks to Larry Mednick for his contribution of the article.    

  • 'it's a little airyplane'

    ...ently trailer my trike, and often, inquisitive earthlings ask 'what is it'?  well, trike don,t cut i...riat, but one little snot-nosed pre-adolescent asked 'who flyes it for you? obviously his part-formed log...

  • giggle

    ...though all these years (and wars) later it still doesn't take much to make me giggle, how about you! i pulled up on internet 'what time is it eccles ?. take your 'giggle' test.......

  • Trike Shimmying at landing

    ...out 6 mile cross wind. Has anyone who owns a Navajo trike exprienced this? sometimes I think due to a fo...of you who have tundra tires, what is the pressure you keep in those tires? Regards, Rizzy

  • Your Engine Just Quit, Should You Land On A Road Or A Field?

    ...Anyone else out there got an experience to share?   http://www.boldmetho...e Just Quit, Should You Land On A Road Or A Field? By Colin Cutler |...the best answer when it comes to a forced landing? If you have a wide open, ligh...