Results for "number"

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  • I am Yuri above cloud in the blackness of a moonless, mostly overcast night. I’d rolled onto Rangiora’s 25 near midnight, and sat there for a number of minutes before bottling ou...

  • Incident Report

    ...ed prior to briefing and no defects were found on the aircraft. Aircraftnumber 32-4882 was also checked by me and released for the flight.Training flight number 25 for student pilot John Hay...

  • How much does it cost to operate a Trike? What does this sport cost on an hourly basis?

    ...f well maintained)   Let's assume 100hrs per year:   To determine hourly cost, we first need to make an assumption about the number of hours you fly per year. &n...

  • Megafauna Flyaway 2012

    ...had a good chat on the way into Loxton and we advised the pilot of the number and position of all our aircr...Loxton boasts a flashy new clubhouse and aircraft parking area, with a number of new hangars as well. After...

  • FSA issue 96 - Blind faith

    ...t coming to light. With the growing rate of EFB use comes an increasing number of pilots who are willing to...trical product and can fail without notice. Despite this, a growing number of pilots are willing to depe...

  • Passive Detection Systems.

    ...toria. This Mountain is a favorite for rock climbing with its sheer cliffs on the Northern side. But if you look closely at the top you will see a number of towers. One of these tower...

  • Call to Action. Adding Spiral recovery Tasks to the Practical Test Standards (PTS).

    Intentional or unintentional spiral dives have caused a number of fatalities throughout the world. Therefore,  I have decided to pursue getting spiral dive recovery into the Prac...

  • Ramp Checks

    ...pilot and driver license to give to authorities when required.) Thankfully he didn't keep my license but merely wrote down my certificate number in a little notebook of his...

  • Why we have a Radio...

    ...transmission, ask for it again, by saying "SAY AGAIN" and if you are asked to repeat your transmission, start by saying "I SAY AGAIN". There are a number of standard words and phrases...

  • Why Aircraft have Radio's...

    ...r it again, by saying "SAY AGAIN" and if you are asked to repeat your transmission, start by saying "I SAY AGAIN". There are a number of standard words and phrases...