Results for "Glider pilot"

Top-level pages

  • The Case of the Missing Pilot

    The Case of the Missing Pilot A pilot left home about 8:30 a.m. to do some work in his hanger at the airport with his friends. On the way out the door he answered his wife's &q...

  • Should Trike wings be rated just like Paraglider and Powered Paraglider wings?

    Hi all, While we discuss the reason behind John Farmer's accident. Many pilot were of the opinion that mind I wanted opinion of the Trike pilots. As you all may know that P...helps a newcomer and even experienced pilot to make the wing purchase dec...

  • Super Dell in another controversy

  • My Sunday Flight

    Got a chance at some great air on Sunday, and found a perfect way to end the long Than...A few passes around and we noticed a couple of hang gliders that looked like they were s...Mike and Mike, and found out that they weren't hang glide...

  • Recent Crash in Idaho   Sad to hear about this. Glad the pilot is OK. At first glance looks to be Antares. Does anyone know the pilot?

  • Student Pilot forgets everything! or so it says! :-)

  • Just Watch This …

      A USAF C-5 Galaxy is being esc...oss the Atlantic by an F-16. The F-16 pilot is feeling rather proud of hi...o;dya think of that?” C-5 Pilot: “That was alright&hell...en Minutes Elapse… C-5 Pilot: “How'd you like th...

  • Pilot's Tip of the Week- Keeping your Medical

    Many of you chose trikes because as a Light Sport Ai...ot required.  However, there are many trike pilots with Private Pilot License  (For difference...iber Question: "The greatest fear among pilots is losing their medical cert...

  • New HG distance world record

    Travelling 570 kilometres in one day is a good effort for...urely by the elements is a world record. Newcastle pilot Scott Barrett smashed the pre...

  • Scott Adair

    By Larry Hughes Scott (Skyman) Ad...veral well-respected CFIs and pilots. He had likely hundreds of P...e was a considerate, cautious pilot. Scott's aircraft, N85KY,...ness, a fw CFI and helicopter pilot, and there is a video but it...ion, first solo by a new gyro pilot, no qualified ground observer...