Results for "xt"

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  • Burning Man airport appears, disappears without a trace - Pretty cool story about the burning man airport

    ...ent, then partially obscured by shifting plumes of wind-driven dust the next. Jarring turbulence over the...ppears without a trace—only to reconstitute itself in even greater extravagance the following year....

  • Trike Trax

    For all my fellow trike pilots. I am rolling out a beta version of a free service for providing automated email/text messages for someone you would like to notify in the e...

  • the life of thread ? (not brian!)

    ...ang empty plastic milk jugs all arround the edges to keep the covers on. i used to put water in 'em but with the covers frequently wet with dew the extra weight wasn't needed. (till...

  • Is Iron cross and offensive symbol?

    Hi All, I am working on adding Iron cross symbol to my wing. I want to know if this is offensive symbol. I don't want to offend anyone and neither get shot flying ov...


    ...s flying looking to the side. ken and camera blocked where we were going. we had inter-com but no radio, so had no idea what 'boris' was 'gonna do next, and as gyros can 'stop' in m...


    ...nge wing contour? (like my varicose veins). ON-BOARD AUTOMATIC WING FOLD/EXTEND DEVICES , LIKE BIRDS, would be 'nice'. birds woulda gone extinct i they had to remove thei...

  • Head for a 503 dci Rotax?

    Yes I have had a spark-plug sieze up and i need a new head...wondering if you know a a guy that might know that guy who might have a used one?...feel free to contact me here or text me at 509 385 4342...thanks if you can help. Chris Northern Idaho

  • Check your carb springs carefully !  Replacement parts are enroute from California Power Systems but I thought I'd share this heads up to check these springs closely on your next pre-flight ! ps!  a recu...

  • Incident Report

    ...odrome YYWGMETAR:Wind 230 degreesWind speed 10kts on groundARFOR:Wind 2000 feet 260 degreesWind speed 20kts.Cloud NILTurbulence NILAircraft:Airborne XT-912 Outback with Cruze wing.R...

  • Threat Error Management Report for Moira Shire Council.

    ...damaged beyond repair. This was replaced and the aircraft is now flying again. Pilot was not injured however he couldn't fly again for a month. 5. XT-912 Outback aircraft, two sea...