Results for "question"

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  • Private Pilot License in Trike Flying

    ...flying at night (with proper training and endorsements), flying above 10,000 feet, flying in Class B, flying out of the country etc. I guess my question is this a goal worth pursuing...

  • To be or NOT to be a CFI

      Hi all,     I have a question for you and especially for existing CFIs. Lately, I have been thinking about possibly becoming a CFI.     The...

  • the Small Airplane Revitalization Act has just become Law !!! Here's an Online Poll of Aviation Readers responding to the Question: "The Small Airplane...

  • Active Hang Block

    Hi all,   I have a question. On the Northwing website, they sell active Hang Blocks (pictured below). I don't know anything about them, other than that the A frame attaches di...

  • VFR Personal Weather Minimums

    Subscriber Question: "I am a VFR Pilot and would like to know how to determine the worst weather condition I can fly in and still be safe?"   For the "answer" click HERE

  • The Case of the Missing Pilot work in his hanger at the airport with his friends. On the way out the door he answered his wife's "what time will you be home?" question with "probably about 1:3...

  • New Gibbo Wing Mako 15 RST

    ...le surface wing (which as I understand typically are 80 percent double surface) vs this wing, which is 100 percent double surface. The other question is a 100 percent double surfa...

  • New Gibbo Wing Mako 15 RST

    ...le surface wing (which as I understand typically are 80 percent double surface) vs this wing, which is 100 percent double surface. The other question is a 100 percent double surfa...

  • Halleluja, still got my half-million dollar plane. According to FlightAware the aircraft left Addison just before 11 a.m. local time on May 16 and returned 36 minutes later. The aircraft in question is 12 years old and as we rep...

  • Dead Stick Mondays

    ...e outs were my fault as they will be in almost all cases.  So the question is not whether you will ever experience an engine out, the question is when will it happen to you...