Results for "asked"

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  • Final results for me to Learn to Fly.

    As most of you know I am now certified.  Someone recently asked me a few questions about learning and the costs involved. So here is my story.  I am in Australia. &q...

  • Santa and the FAA

    ...and shoulder harness and checked the compass. Then the examiner hopped in carrying, to Santa's surprise, a shotgun. "What's that for?!?" Asked Santa incredulously. The...

  • prov. 'neither a lender nor a borrower be '

    ...en my trike to a fly-in at Alvord desert, 600mls south of my home. a pilot, well known to me to be an accomplished opperator of most flying things asked to try my trike. he said he h...

  • 'it's a little airyplane'

    ...gerous! so, i usually tell 'em 'it's a little airyplane', which seems to satisfy the average proleteriat, but one little snot-nosed pre-adolescent asked 'who flyes it for you? obviou...

  • Replacing Rotax 912 Fuel Pump

    ...A then I guess you don't have a choice, but what if it is an Experimental? On some forums a few people said that they called Lockwood Aviation and asked them that if their existing f...

  • Getting off to the best start in TrikeLife -What advice would you share?

    First off, this question has more than likely been asked and answered a few times here, so I apologize if this is redundant. While I've always had an interest in ultralight ai...

  • John's Most Excellent Adventure

    ...more you get a "kicker" with it. "What's a kicker I asked the waitress?" I couldn&...e sees the empty kicker tube and the empty gigantic margarita glass and asked, "How did you drink the...

  • A Diary from a Trike Pilot – That has moved to paradise!

    ...e shit this time. At this rate it won’t melt before next summer. The snow plough got stuck up the road and that bastard came to the door and asked to borrow my shovel. After I...

  • Ramp Checks

    ...airplane" (it's a Glasair and was a novelty at the time) he asked, "Where's your Airwo...for Part 135 and Part 121 operators." That stunned him. Then he asked to see my pilot license, whic...

  • My Sunday Flight

    ...ractable flaps! After meetign the Mikes, we had to get back and headed for Eldorado again. Not long after we landed an SUV came barreling over and asked us to help look for a free fl...