Results for "Weight"

Top-level pages

  • Experimental Condition Inspection Class

    ...s on the New Mexico Trikers board          Weight shift 16 hr condition inspect...rike to perform the FAA annual condition inspection on your Light Sport Weight Shift Control Experimental Tr...

  • Insurance

    ...Earlier in the year I actually tried to insure my Tanarg through AOPA, but received a friendly decline back; "we have no underwriting market for weight-shift experimentals."  T...

  • Best Gibbo wing for an HKS700e motor

    ...mmodate two 200 pound people. I think my trike (Northwing Navajo) empty weight with the HKS motor is about 5...00 pound passengers and now we are looking at 940 pounds. With all that weight and an HKS motor. What Gibbo...

  • FAA Repairman Certificate the FAA Repairman Certificate. For those of you who have Repairman Certificate, more than likely your Repairman certificate shows the Category: Weight Shift Control, N Number and S...

  • Air First Aid- Disaster Relief by Trike: Any Volunteer Pilots ?

    "Air First Aid aims to bring immediate relief to victims of natural disasters by organizing a worldwide network of weight shift ultralight pilots and supplying them with the r...

  • ass-kissing

    ...ants were long gone and after twenty minutes of searching i landed behind one of the cop cars and reported no sightings. the cop asked me how much weight i could carry, so i diplomati...

  • Getting off to the best start in TrikeLife -What advice would you share?

    ...esn't quite flip my switch, the open air / low & slow aspect of weight-shift flying is very work best for me personally is to attend a week-long start-to-finish weight-shift specialized certificati...

  • First Flight

    ...know, as I had early aspirations of becoming a pilot. I found my way to weight shift trikes, and Leo in part...lled Aerotrekking – involving cross country hops in the very same weight shift trikes. The article was...

  • Things You DON'T Want to Hear on the Plane's PA System go back ....we ..we ....uhhhhhh ....forgot something.....  *** I'm sure everyone noticed the loss of an engine, however the reduction in weight and drag will mean we'll be f...

  • Old Guys

    Never underestimate the old guy I took my dad to the mall the other day to buy some new shoes. We decided to grab a bite at the food court. I noticed he...