Results for "nbsp nbsp"


  • IMG_2312

    Engine compression tested at 85/87 on all four cold cylinders.  I replaced a few nuts and some hose clamps.  Everything else got a scrub down.  

  • IMG_2275

    I was experimenting with my color choices on a piece of Dacron adhesive material.  I don't like any of it! Looks like the camo pattern is on hold.    

  • Two Happy Dogs

     my pup mojo loves the big back seat on our new Revo. Some doggy goggles & headset & that boy is ready for the sky.

  • In amongst them

    Another flight up to 13,999 ft.  This time over 3 deep valleys carved into a  12,500 ft high plateau. 6000 ft above the valley floors.  How is this possible? It'...h the video and pictures to prove it.   Scattered clouds were ev...

  • mv.jpg

    ...ere are the western buttes of MV. The winds were 30 mph of the north,  as we  crept past MV with a ground...near 50mph  all the way to Cal Black Airport, near Lake Powell.  The winds eased off to calm...

  • Belen Take off

    Paul and I are heading north into Colorado.  This time, our goal is to rea...f the mountains north of Pagosa around mid-day.  We have enough fuel to go no...ll top off our tanks at Stevens Field in Pagosa  Springs so we can explore th...

  • Meteor Crater

    We flew out to Winslow Arizona for our first stop of the day.   We refueled and scarfed down an sandwitch and headed out again.  A few miles to the west was Meteor Crater.  I circled over the crater which was a strong fun thermal generator now at 2pm.

  • Cabezon

    We continued on to the edge of the  Mt Taylor Plateau.  We stayed high to stay clear of the winds rotoring off the summit our right side. 

  • Puerco Window

    I was flying up the Rio Puerco basin and I saw this "window" cut into a wall of rock.  The opening is 42 ft across, see the shadow of my trike to check the size.  It would be a tight fit.    I flew over the window.

  • Set up before Dawn

    ...before dawn (moonlight) for flight to Yosemite. (Jake still sleeping  ;)  The wind was so bad that nigh...etter and drove the RV's around them to block the howling winds.  Vance (gyro guy) emailed me t...