Results for "Air"


  • hidden_splendor

    To the right and far below is Hidden Splendor Airstrip.

  • low_north_of_hidden_splendor

    North of the airstrip the terrain was a bit hostile.

  • sunset_flight

    We followed the Green downstream down to Mineral Canyon Airstrip.   We set up camp there, then headed over to Moab to refuel. We made it back a little before sunset and followed the Green River down stream to Canyonlands, then headed back to Mineral Canyon to call it for the day.

  • bowknot_bend

    Sunday, October 7, 2013 We got up early, leaving our tents and camping gear at the Mineral Canyon Airstrip and headed upstream along the Green River in lightly loaded trikes. This is Bow Knot Bend. WOW.

  • cataract_canyon

    We followed Cataract Canyon down to Hite, then down to Cal Black Airport to refuel.

  • headingout_mineral

    We headed out of departed Mineral Canyon airstrip one last time and heading downstream towards Canyonlands.

  • nokai_dome

    ...m and forecast be calm until tomorrow at noon so we headed to Nokai Dome Airstrip.  I have wanted a you an idea of the spectacular view over the back at the top of the airstrip.

  • wall_deadhorse

    We headed due east along the northern edge of Canyonlands National Park to the Colorado River side.  This fin of rock is below Dead Horse Point State Park and just outside of Canyonlands National Park.  It's near the "Caveman Airstrip", if you know where that is.

  • My New Aircraft

    ...FINALLY!!!!! got my new Skyper airworthied  in Tucson on No...the 5 hours within 25 miles of the airport.  Then it was off to...handling.  Absolutely LOVE the aircraft and wing. Jim and I...ndorsed by Neil to fly into towered airports while I was in Marana, A...

  • Wings and Whale Sharks working for the Marine Conservation Society of Seychelles as a marine air survey pilot.  This project comprises the longest running and most detailed Marine Air Survey project in the world,...