Results for "Video Editing"


  • Paul and Jeff interviewed for Daily Planet, Discover Channel Canada

    A couple weeks ago Paul and I did a story for "Daily Planet" on Discover and aerial sequences, then have about 8 hours of video that will somehow get trimmed...unch of GoPro cameras on our trikes and grabbed the video a...

  • Kite, Workshop,

    Here is my first 12 x 12 ski wing kite in 2013,,, hanging above the workshop.  This is my kite in the video and is a present reminder of my lucky life.. to fly.!

  • Following Paul up Goose Creek

    This is from my Aiptek video camera mounted on my control bar.  I  made one last run up Goose Creek, following closely behind Paul's trike.

  • Carriage Keel Mount

    My carriage keel has a square aluminum tube that is flat on the bottom and I use a standard flat adhesive GoPro mount for this.  I use a lanyard here also as described above.  You can see some video taken from the bottom at this link:

  • data

    Our tents were already up, so we just ate dinner then crawled into our tents.  I spent an hour transferring video f...

  • In amongst them

    Another flight up to 13,999 ft.  This time over 3 deep valleys carved into a  12,500 ft high plateau....miracle of trike technology that is difficult for me to believe, even with the video a...

  • Three Trikes

    Our trike buddy Chris of Taos, NM wanted to join us on this trip, but couldn't break away from new father duties.&...sp; This a very cool stretch of the Rio Grande, where I shot my "Dream Flight" video m...

  • Special Twin Engine purpose designed for Alaska Bush Flying

    The video posted online recently of an unusual bushplane diving off the edge of a cliff is an attention-getter -- the tiny, two-seat, two-engine, bubble-canopied, tu...

  • nokai_dome

    The winds were calm and forecast be calm until tomorrow at noon so we headed to Nokai Dome Airstrip.  I ha...afternoon it was calm and landing straight forward.  Here is a link to a video I...

  • Cavanaugh Bay Climbout ... Priest Lake

    Cavanaugh Bay Airport (66S) is great turf strip right on the South edge of Priest Lake in Northern Idaho. visit Northern Idaho this is a gem worth visiting. Here is a link to a video I...