Results for "?"


  • the "More" Menu- What can you find there?

    Under the "More" Menu at the top of the screen you can find:       Bookmarks       Event Calendar-  Where yo...

  • Fly Rocky Point

    Hey gringos, anybody want to travel down to Rocky Point around the first week of January? You can leave your trike home-there's plenty to fly there. You can leave your car/truck home too and share a ride with me in my coach. Get on down with the Free Mexican Airforce. Vamanos cabrones!

  • Globetrotters in Guayaquil Ecuador

    A shot of the globetrotters in Ecuador, parked next to the jet belonging to MICHAEL SCHUMACHER, the seven-time Formula One World Champion?

  • Tanarg Pitot cover

    To make the Pitot cover for the Tanarg you will need a Wick-Tector from a jet. Ok, I know you are how wondering what the hell is a Wick-Tector? If you look at the traling edge o...

  • US Airforce Spotter Identification Chart

    US Airforce Spotter Identification Chart   Whatever happened to project blue book?

  • Cloud

    Occasionally I see clouds like in the picture. What does this type of cloud tell you. I am wondering if this means there are strong winds aloft. Trying to read the sky better from the ground. Thoughts?

  • More Chuck


  • RA-Aus Sport Pilot

    "Being reliable..." Do we fly reliable microlights today.? A simple story to ponder.. about being reliable..!

  • Telepathic Watch

    ...oment. The woman notices this and asks, “Is your date running late?” “No,” it.” The intrigued woman says, “A state-of-the-art watch? What’s so special about...