Results for "Fuel Filter"


  • Comment on "Emergency Landing!!!!"

    Thanks for publishing the videos and commentary - interesting watching and a nice s...sp;How long have you been flying with the auxiliary fuel pump?  It's an inter...e modes.  Things like the pilot, mechanic, and fuel t...

  • Comment on "Emergency Landing!!!!"

    Hey YFT (@Yarraft) where's those photos and description of the special knowledge you discovered about connecting fuel hose without which resistance...goes up significantly?  We found one of Ttabs fuel h...

  • Comment on "Out of gas!"

    You did a great job Dave.  Yes, it could have happened at a worse ti...quite a few engine outs and almost all fuel related but all of them I never have to deal with an out of fuel engine out in my Scout. ...nfident that we become complacent with fuel l...

  • Comment on "Fuel stop at Shoshone"

    Log:  Yesteday.  George, Tom & I took off intending for..., Tom's trike was flying fine, but fuel pressure was reading negative...angar.  Tom changed worked on his fuel system to pickup and tested i...o FS at Shoshone (S83), and added some fuel (...

  • Comment on "GPS Day 4"

    5.3 Hours !!!  Wow!! That's very amazing for the middle of no...hat on airstrips along the way without fuel), so those legs were likely l...t. I could work on some inflight refueling options like @GeorgeB and...c weather (micro & macro).  A fuel c...

  • Comment on "Emergency Landing!!!!"

    (Photo Attached) When we got back to Spokane (having cut our...because of two trikes having fuel pump problems) I dissected Tt...b's accessory (secondary) Fuel pump.  The one he though...oves in one direction it lets fuel flow past it and as it return...m of "blocking" all fuel f...

  • Comment on "Extreme French Happiness"

    Nice job of photoshop linear blur filter to get the fast blurring background effect. I use that a lot too but it always gives that double image of the car or aircraft, that you don't get if it is done for real with a pan and blur shot, in camera rather than using photoshop effects.

  • Comment on "What type of fuel do you MOSTLY use?"

    Guys, we need to be aware that different countries use determined by running the fuel in a test engine with a varia...s a better measure of how the fuel behaves when under load, as i...timing to further stress the fuel's knock resistance. Depen...ere in the world for the same fuel....

  • Comment on "BMW 1200GS"

    As to doing it again, the answer is yes. The BMW is a great m...ings to think through. I have fuel injection and while that is c...s what they need in spark and fuel, and it makes it happen. I in...s so I installed a car racing fuel regulator to detune my 90 lb...t block, to the simple vacuum fuel p...

  • Comment on "912 oil filters"

    I ordered my oil (AeroShell Sport PLUS 4 Aircraft Oil...- 12-pack x 1 Litre Case) from SkyGeek but I got my filter and spark plugs from Lockwood...825 012 Rotax Oil filter, Replaces 825 706, 3.4mm long...