Results for "Black backed purlin snake"


  • Comment on "first flt 2013"

    I don't have the wing mounts yet so I just hand held it just to see if it works. will have to work on settings on this new gopro black.

  • Comment on "IMG_7527.jpg"

    Hi Happy Triker, I think your new Trike looks Great. I love the colour. My new Tanargs will be here soon. I have one in Yellow and one in Black.

  • Comment on "Flight around Rocky Hill in Arizona Desert"

    Cool, I think I remember those hills from last year :)  Say I notice that you have a different (all black) helmet this time. Wassup wit dat?

  • Comment on "My new flying buddy !"

    Very cool! Make sure you get him a special harness for flying. Don't want yellow and black fluff exiting the rear. :0

  • Comment on "Cloud Dancer"

    Gopro hero3 black... Of course. I am still trying different ideas with it.  You can adjust the zoom with 3 settings, and this is the widest at 1080p.

  • Comment on "20140111_manzano_gopro1080"

    Jeff another one of your amazing videos.i just got my hero cameras so iam just now trying to figure all this out. the hero 3 black...ay that the hero 3 is not as good as the hero 2 or the hero 3 black...

  • Comment on "Name the plane"

    I took my granddaughter for a flight yesterday and I mentioned that I was looking for a name for the new aircraft? well without even thinking about it she said " Black Shadow" Grandad. Out of the mouths of babes. I still need a name for the Yellow one?

  • Comment on "What Did You Ask Santa For?"

    A want Santa to bring me a decent motorbike so that I can keep up with my wife when she is on hers. I also want a Gopro Hero3 Black, but they are not shipping to Europe yet, and when they do they will charge 40% more than the US price! Still going to get one though.

  • Comment on "Sunrise"

    Hi Noel C, I took this shot just after take-off on Sunday morning. You couldn't see anything on the ground, but from the air it was magic. Have a look on the YFT site and you will see my new wings for the Black and Yellow Tanargs.

  • Comment on "We got four planes coming to OZ.."

    All 4 of these are bound for Oz?   I know the white one is now (it has a B15)-- is it spoken for yet?  And there's a Green one coming, and a Silver & Black one, and ???