Results for "nbsp"


  • Comment on "Moses Coulee and the Ice Age Floods - Part I"

    geesss tom do you ever cease to amaze me     great narative and video  i flew rob and clyde poser to eprata washington in my redback 4 years ago.  flying along thiose cliffs b...

  • Comment on "StillshotsofLarryme146"

    ...cott that was a great testimonial!  Glad to hear your really get...comfortable with the Revo/Rival S.  Hey, and I look forward to c...ching up with you again at Polson.  I met you a few years ago at...I really enjoyed the conversation.  Take care.  ULt

  • Comment on "DSCN0627.jpeg"

    Hi CB pleased to hear of your XC exploit.  Sounded like quite a flight.  We are holed up in Mildura grounded due to weather.  45 kt winds, rain and cold.  The kneeboarding is just an iPad mount with a...

  • Comment on "Tanargs at YCOR"

    Hi YFT, not flying yet.    I've abandoned my trike for 1 1/2 years be...'s finance and getting caregiver for mom.    Now I just started the wheel cover and front right side area.  Sanded some area.   &nbs...

  • Comment on "My past hang gliding"

    Hi Sally, nice video, way to go.  Thanks for puttin' that here.  Like WhiteE (pronounced Whitie ;), feels like we went tandem together--  I bet you made that for your...ut, so you explained everything in sign.  ;)  Nice landing!!...

  • Comment on "True Glory 3 - Australia 2014"

    That's a beautiful trike Mad Mik.  Very happy for you.  She'll be great for you.  Hey, be sure and join the Air Creation Owners group here.   I think there are also...

  • Comment on "Hurricane/St. George Utah with Rick"

    Isint it joz.   Henry is just amazing.  Rick too , chriss too , leo too ,  two leos too ,you two , me too  oh what the hell !!  trike pilots are just all amazing.  Course everyone knows henrys special !

  • Comment on "Meteorite almost hits skydiver"

    once again jeff  where do you find all this stuff     i bet if scott johnson sees this he wont be there for my review flight? hes probably headed out the door to go find this one right now. 

  • Comment on "Solo Inspiration"

    Hey CrayonBox,  Great photo!!  I have to apologize-  it's such a well done photo, that was a professional photo you borrowed.  But, I guess you ARE a pro-p...ot; in the industrial size I'm told--  everyone keeps telling me th...

  • Comment on "100 hours - a Century"

    150, 151 safe? 149 unsafe?  I got an insurance break at 250+...and model, but still make mistakes  ;)  We read about 10,00...unaware and killed too frequently.  I don't think a specific...y is a permanent feature of life--  I'm just commenting for...