Results for "Crash landing"


  • Comment on "Glider Crash Finals"

    Thanks for posting Crayon Box.  The pilot was ge...enters on YouTube were faulting him for a downwind landing attempt.  Gliders cant t...the comments about being an "idiot" for landing downwind, and NEVER land down...

  • Comment on "Kael Rowan Solo's his REVO"

    Good job Kael. I wish my first solo landing had been that good. Judging by the build of your instructor I reckon you were 1 sandbag short. - only kidding Larry.

  • Comment on "Great people leave us..."

    Jozinko, I'm very sorry to hear of your loss.  Know that we all support you.  In the photo of Stefan landing, I can see he was happy flying in your beautiful country.

  • Comment on "Flying Blindfolded - Solo - on a PPC/PPG type aircraft - not a WSC Trike"

    ...e center a dried lake bed at dawn on a calm day so he can land in any direction, has a vario so he can set his decent rate for landing, he can probably do it without crashing. But why is he so bored...

  • Comment on "roof landing"

    Sometime ago YouTube had a video of one them 'flying bags' taking off without the pilot who could be seen running behind yelling " STOP" . It outran him and flew around quite a while ( is that a measure of the skill level required ?) before gently landing ( several miles away).

  • Comment on "Frank out of the Pattern"

    Flew with Frank and got him out of the Pattern today and over to a local dirt field that PPG's gather. No landing there for him yet, but got this nice shot of him doing a low pass. It's time for him to buckle down and get prepped for the written exam, XC then PTS. 

  • Comment on "Your Engine Just Quit, Should You Land On A Road Or A Field?"

    This is a very interesting thread. While I...likely to be encountered in a forced landing, I would definitely avoid cro...gardless of the crop that grabbed the landing gear. For a little and sailplanes with many out-field landings, and may have more confidenc...

  • Comment on "New Mako 15"

    I agree Cburg,  a single surface wi...not retain energy is really great for landing in tight spots.  Like a...ergy and go zipping clear across your landing zone into the trees / fence /...close work (low and slow over minimal landing areas).  Fast wings are...

  • Comment on "16 hour Trike Annual Certification Course S/W US"

    Hi Gang!  I'm trying to put the plan together that would make it possible for me to attend also.  I woul...d from Boulder City and maybe book a room in the same hotel or find a place to crash f...

  • Comment on "Rizzy's bad landing"

    ...on finals and the end of the landing phase and not good instructio...them out of a poorly executed landing.  Therefore if you are did this too in your bad landing video, not as bad as many, tip-over. In turbulent landing condition, use the whole runw...