Results for "91"


  • Comment on "Informative video about Gyroplanes"

    ...gine.  There are Part 103 rigs with MZ, 447, 503 and more capable non-part 103 singles with Macs, 532, 582, 618, 670.  Two-seaters with 912, 914, Yamaha, Subaru, Honda, Suzu...

  • Comment on "Informative video about Gyroplanes"

    There are negatives though. They need loads of power, many of them have the 914 engine, and they drink loads of fuel, I have not even mentioned the purchase price. There are thousands of them here in France and I would love one if my budget and runway was bigger.

  • Comment on "New Mako 15"

    ...ted folks that emailed me to know I read your emails and found it easier to respond here all at once: The wing would probably work if you have a 912 or a 670 two-stroke. ...

  • Comment on "John Farmer died in a Trike Crash"

    ...s able very quickly fall. If you wont to react very quickly it coluld be fatal. It happened to Steve and Michelle. I did a crazy turns with Arrow/XT912 about 3-5 meters over ground...

  • Comment on "S10"

    In this photo Leo I was doing 80kts down the RWY for the photo and then I climbed to 5500 feet to head over the mountains with two Tanargs, a QuikR, and one XT-912 Arrow. It was a fun day.

  • Comment on "Flight Log to Share",152.2968750208738&chart=301&zoom=5&plan=A.YB.YMYB:G.-25.816705051853216,153.0525970668199:G.-26.04469192987181,153.12634279436367:A....

  • Comment on "Flight Log to Share",152.99176027482395:G.-24.971368922357...4.809423801251153,153.12084963030085:G.-24.694688399541157,153.25268556780915:G.-24.894160048825754,153.26...

  • Comment on "Flight Log to Share",152.99176027482395:G.-24.971368922357...66:G.-24.93492904038676,153.28564455218614:G.-24.981327832855676,153.35430910297183:G.-25.269867277534782,...

  • Comment on "Air Creation Buggy 582SL"

    ...erneath which is great. I have found a very small but very powerful landing light. its made by TECHLIGHT and its called Mini LED Spotlight. P/N: SL-3916. You only need to drill one...

  • Comment on "GP020107_MP4"

    ...with my Sport certificate but I think I'm going to wait to do it in my Tanarg. A little worried about a long descent with my old grey head 582. The 912UL would most likely fair a b...