Results for "trike trailer"


  • Trike trailer

    Here is a trailer I built for our Maverick 2 r/t's.It has locks on the axle of the trike to keep them secure,clean and strong.Storage for 20 gals of gas and more storage for our helmets,headsets and icoms.

  • My trailer

    We havent hangaar then we must to transport our trikes to our airfield, completed wing and trike... My trailer made me my darling father Jozef "Dedenko" Sajan.

  • Trike Recovery!!!!

    ...information from us when the Trike and trailer were stolen back in Oct.&nb...ormed me that the Trailer and Trike had been found, that it was lit...t mostly cosmetic damage. The Trike was in great shape. It was miss...ths. The contents of the trailer are gone. Tables, chairs, bic...

  • to re-tread, or not to re-tread, ?

    i noticed the other day that my trike tires were getting a little 'shabby'. so i decided to treat her/him/it to a pair of new-ish trailer tires, but keep the old ones as spares. ps i don't see a 'revo' in my immediate future so i'll keep saving up by running what i 'brung!

  • REV

    REV is on its dolly, ready to be loaded into the trailer for summer trip to Idaho/Montana.  

  • Retraining for a new trike

    3 of my ex-students bought a "new" Joker Trike 912/ Aeros Profi TL wing together. Its flying a little different than my trike - their "school" trike. Then we did retraining. Joker has a foot throttle (my trike has the hand throttle), Joker has a lower seat than my trike and its faster.

  • Trike dollies

    Found an easy way to move trikes around in hangars with a tight fit. Trike can be rolled in any direction at any angle by 1 person.

  • Little Red Trike

    This little red trike went for a flight to Corowa airport and low and behold met his Mum and Dad

  • My trike

    Beautiful Aeros Profi 14 wing, a powerful and economical Verner VM-133MK engine, rigid and comfortable trike TOMI Cross 5 Sport

  • North Wing Trike

    My Trike