Results for "German DULV Aerodynamic Pitch Testing"


  • Pitch block

    The pic credit goes to Mark Gibson (GibboGear)   Dave G

  • Spitfire Omen

    Spitfire.. not trike related.. A mastepiece of aerodynamic engineering, the Spitfire aircraft was amongst the finest aircraft during the 2nd World War - MK24 speeds, officia...

  • Certification Testing

    The AC factory conduct many, many tests to confirm the trikes and wing designs are strong, flight stable, in compliance with NAA certification.. and safe for us to fly!

  • BMW 1200 GS

    Test day at Caldwel Idaho. It's not a Cadillac but its fun. Fuel injected with an alleged ceiling of 17K, German...

  • Green1 Electric Trike by eUP Aviation

      This is The Green1 self launch Motor Glider Trike From eUP Aviation in...r. New prop designs will lower the prop noise even more! We plan on doing more testing around southern USA late Febr...

  • Deer strike on landing

    This could ruin your entire day……………&helli...oms and Border Patrol Citation II (down to 25 now), just completing acceptance testing in South Carolina after major...

  • Formation 9th Feb 2013

    X-Ray Tango Flight of 4 aircraft during a training flight. The Flight consisted of Echelon Left, Diamond, Echelon Left, Echelon Right, and a pitch and recover landing.

  • September 6 Formation Friday

    Three aircraft formation in very close. Todays Briefing, Formation T/O and join into Left Echelon. Then VEE Formation, followed by Reverse VEE, and them back to Left Echelon. Landing Pitch and Recover. Total training time for formation 50mins.

  • Maverick Test Drive.

    Helping a new pilot set up his brand new NW Maverik trike. Had to get CG all squaired away and a multitude of other details (install bush acceptable front suspension, prop pitch,...

  • Flew the REVO today!

    So I haven't been active online much or posted on here which I've been meaning to do.. I just had an am...efore I say anything, I really hope this isn't going to sound like a sales pitch....