Results for "low level flying"


  • New Formation Pilot

    Noel C dipped his toe into the water of Formation flying when he lead YFT, Kel and Hedgeview around Lake Mulwala on Australia Day Evening, warming up the crowd on the banks who were about to...

  • Memorial Day Light Sport Aviation Rally

    The Rally was a great time.  The weather was generally nice and made for some good flying.  There where six trikes...

  • Retraining for a new trike

    3 of my ex-students bought a "new" Joker Trike 912/ Aeros Profi TL wing together. Its flying a little different than my trike - their "school" trike. Then we did retraining. Joker has a foot throttle (my trike has the hand throttle), Joker has a lower seat than my trike and its faster.

  • Home sites for trike flying.

  • Melbourne Air show 2013

    I mentioned earlier that my interest in Trike Flying was raised while at the Melbourne Air show earlier this year.  Here are a few pics I took from that show of some of the amazing tec...

  • Epic retrieve

    While flying the coast yesterday, one of our group of three pilots suffered an engine-out and landed on a nice stretch of beach - which unfortunately happened to actually...

  • Ice Maiden up close & personal

    As we here at Yarrawonga are all aware, YFT is a prolific in flight photographer of Trikes flying with him, however it was a bi...

  • A private strip in Darwin Australia.

    Steve Braddy learnt to fly with me last year. Steve purchased his XT-912 Arrow wi...built his own airfield on some land next to his house. He now has a lot of fun flying the friendly skies around the...

  • Maverick Test Drive.

    Helping a new pilot set up his brand new NW Maverik trike. Had to get CG all squaire...ion, prop pitch, locktite all engine bolts, beef up rear landing gear for real flying).  Loved the little kaw...

  • Green1 Electric Trike by eUP Aviation

      This is The Green1 self launch Motor Glider Trike From eUP Aviation in...teries available for 30 minutes 1 hour or 2 hours of managed flight. I was flying the trike and the noise in th...