Results for "Rizzy's Navajo HKS trike test flight"


  • Dusk Flight to Lenthall Dam

    With all this great weather this weekend there was time for one ore flight.  I went to a Dam located 15NM from my location for a little look see.

  • First Flight 2015

    Virtual World Flight

  • Flight round Czech Republic

    Guys from Czech Republic prepared flight round their republic. They began the flight on the West of CR and continued to South and East. Next to North and West again.

  • Flight to YPOK

    Today's flight to YPOK... The morning was a little cool but not...nd turned our aircraft towards the mountains. The flight was so smooth and we past Wan...we could only get to Nug Nug but no further. The flight back was another great one wi...

  • X-Ray Tango Flight Formation 13th Feb 2013

    Last training flight for the week. Wind NE at 20kts on ground and 40kts at 2500 Feet.Three aircraft formation.

  • Retraining for a new trike

    3 of my ex-students bought a "new" Joker Trike 912/ Aeros Profi TL wing together. Its flying a little different than my trike - their "school" trike. Then we did retraining. Joker has a foot throttle (my trike has the hand throttle), Joker has a lower seat than my trike and its faster.

  • Holbrook Ultralight Club Fly-in

    Holbrook Fly-In... Seven aircraft from YFT departed on Saturday morning...for the Holbrook Fly-in. What a great flig...oel and Jan one a trophy for the best Trike. How good was that. Sunday mor...reakfast. It was then time to go. The flight home was just as good, with a...

  • Paul Hamilton trike books

    Paul Hamilton's collection of books for flight training, ground school, and checkride prep for ultralight, sport, private and CFI

  • Rietbron - Karoo Flight

    A quick flight inland over 4 mountain ranges to the small town of Rietbron in the Karoo - a visit to the farm Kalkdam where I will be going for a 3 day hunt in May 2013

  • DARE to be SAFE

    Our past can pave the future.. a wise man told me, he was my d...... One great achievement flig...l to share and learn.! Alltrikes.. is a medium of engagement n...l share the final decision of flight once we launch into the free...s of four decades in flexwing flight.. some information is current...