Results for "Best Photo"


  • Recent Flight up the Coast near Home

    These photos I took flying up the coast near my house.  I...  --  fortunately my friend was snapping photos the whole way, gotta see wha...I fly a lot at near Sea Level, but I threw in one photo up at Glacier National Park ~...

  • Breaking shear waves

    Cor - check this out. This is something that occurs reasonably regularly but isn...linders, you'd have generated turbulence of a different kind. The stuff in this photo is a step behind forming thos...

  • Grand Canyon Trip, 2018

    A 6 day trip to the Grand Canyon, with a big loop throug...; Total distance 1653 miles.  I have dozens of photos, hours and hours of video, i...luding 360VR.  As I work through it I'll pop a photo or video here over the next c...