Results for "Lucinda's solo flight."


  • Grand Canyon Trip, 2018

    A 6 day trip to the Grand Canyon, with a big loop through southern Arizona and New Mexico.  Total distance 1653 miles.  I have dozens of photos, hours and hou...

  • Irvine Airlines Retires to YYWG.

    Irvine Airlines Retires to YYWG. Do you remember Monty Python’s Irvine Airlines? Well, Shaun and Fleecia, the only two sheep who ever actually flew, ha...

  • TG4 - 2015

    The Aussie Air Creation story continues... True Glory IIII - 16 Oct 2015 aircraft import delivery to Australia. Flying is the easy satisfy the RAA/CASA w...

  • The Grand Circle - 2014

    This year, my flying buddy Paul and I flew the "Grand Circle", a huge loop around the southwest USA that has some of the most spectacular scenery you can imagine. ...