Great photo!! So that's what they look like !! (Scary !! -- just kidding). Hey, good to see all of you. It's good to see YFT with a smile on his face and itching to fly ! I know you'll do fine.
YFT...We're always looking forward to our next flight... completely understandable (or 3rd party incompetence).
Rizzy... there's a reason why there's only a photo posted... the video's just not suitable for public consumption - this is a trike forum and some may have not long
XC... yes, faces to the Motley Crew... thought most were familiar with how YFT & Hedgeview looked. The other two are blow-ins (of non-Tanarg denomination)...
Joz... the beer's cold and waiting for your arrival :-)
The team Crayonbox, Hedegview, Madmike, and YFT. Looking good in echelon. Thanks guys for calling in and I am sorry that I was not well enough to fly.
Great photo!! So that's what they look like !! (Scary !! -- just kidding). Hey, good to see all of you. It's good to see YFT with a smile on his face and itching to fly ! I know you'll do fine.
Hi flying team, its nice to see you :) Im looking forward to meeting you face to face in a month and a few days...
Bollywood synchronized dance? :D
Taa Daaa!
YFT...We're always looking forward to our next flight... completely understandable (or 3rd party incompetence).
Rizzy... there's a reason why there's only a photo posted... the video's just not suitable for public consumption - this is a trike forum and some may have not long
XC... yes, faces to the Motley Crew... thought most were familiar with how YFT & Hedgeview looked. The other two are blow-ins (of non-Tanarg denomination)...
Joz... the beer's cold and waiting for your arrival :-)
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- Leo@LeoIezzi
white eagleLeo liked this
Kind of a mix of larry moe and curly with monty python?
Apres formation - the kind you can do after a lemonade..... Nice Legs K!