Montycosmos racer


ALMOST!: Revision

Last updated by Monty

Categories: Safety

i've read about 'goose stepping', seen results of it, but until this AM i had'nt dun it.  i was landing ( in light rain, ( rain, in wa state?) and alltho within 6 inches of runway center made a DUMB last second lateral correction while already stalled, and a few inches off the runway. the carriage moved right , in reaction  to my pushing on the 'suggestion' bar dropping the left wheel which on contact pulled the carriage hard left, then , the right wheel hit, pulling it hard right, entering the 'goose stepping' phase of this my ' 4000th +landing'. it got quite violent for a few seconds !. i possibly could have ' gassed' my way out of it, but with the engine at idle 'spool-up' time would be a ploblem (as chinese aviators often utter when faced with decisions to make), so i instinctively stiffened my ( already stiff and old) legs, not letting that little old front wheel attempt to get into it! i think that allowed things to quieten down. i had my vid cam on my helmet and if i can figure out how to post i'll do it, ( after 're-attaching' these flexy-wing thingeys  since 1993 i thought i was getting the hang of things, but now i ain't so sure!) ps (i'm NOT  posting this on 'the dark side' due to the propensity of ' helpful criticism ' from the 'great loquatious one ' who would doubtless 'put me straight' ,not that i'm immune from 'larning', i've already decided NOT to do it again! monty