Montycosmos racer


ass-kissing: Revision

Last updated by Monty

Categories: Trike Talk

yesterday, during my am flight i noticed several cop cars active in the desert here in az. i landed and taxied into my parking spot here on the gila river indian reservation. a cop car had followed me ,                                                                  a deep 'official' voice behind me said 'good morning sir', i thought uh-oh, i'm in trouble. then he asked had i seen 6 illegals they were chasing. i hadn't but offered to go up again and look.he said he would welcome that so i did, but the miscreants were long gone and after twenty minutes of searching i landed behind one of the cop cars and reported no sightings. the cop asked me how much weight i could carry, so i diplomatically told him 300# including ammo! ps, i have found several stolen pick-ups on the res and reported them to the cops, a little ass-kissing works wonders!