Rebel liked this
ULtrikepilot liked this
Brand new 0 time Northwing Maverick with double surface pacer 13.5 wing with Airfoil downtubes, Kawasaki motor with electric start, and powerfin propeller. Airspeed indicator, compass, fuel gauge, and digitai EIS. Wingtip position lights, and wheelpants. Training available
(509) 280-0163
- 1 like
- Rebel@rebel777

ULtrikepilotRebel liked this
Now that is one beautiful Maverick, Leo. Would be a great option for an experienced pilot that wishes to fly at the upper speed levels of part 103. This trike is almost identical to mine except I have the JCV 360 4-stroke engine and my Pacer and nose pod are not yellow. Whoever picks this one up will be one lucky owner.