Lights, Camera, Action!

Lights, Camera, Action!

Lights, Camera, Action!

Discussion topics

  • Image Stabilization ...

    Started by XC Triker Replies (8) Last reply by Noel C
    Noel C asked:  "Hello All, I am in the process of video editing some footage and was hoping someone could offer advice on software available to reduce the effect of slight camera shake/vibration?. Any advice greatly appreciated." 
  • Drift HD vs Drift Ghost

    Started by RizzyWizzy
    I am thinking of investing in my next camera. I am leaning more towards Drift camera. I have used GoPro in the past. What is the significant difference between Drift and the Ghost Drift other than the battery life? because the price difference is...
  • Drift HD170

    Started by Doug Boyle
    I use the above to film and capture audio through my intercom.  I can turn it on/off record while flying via the remote.  I like that, plus the LED viewfinder lets me see the angle before departing (helpful, when you remove the camera for...
  • Lights, Camera, Action! Best video of 2013 competition with a prize

    Started by RizzyWizzy
    I am planning on conducting a Lights, Camera, Action best video competition for the best video in the year 2013. While I haven't worked on all of the details and I would welcome your suggestions on this. This is what I am thinking as far...