Slovakia: Gajary, Malacky UL, Malacky military, Dubová, Častá, Senica, Myjava, Boleráz, Trenčín, Holíč, Krajné, Krakovany, Piešťany, Dolná Krupá, Trnava, Králová pri Senci, Sládkovičovo, Nové Zámky, Nitra, Želiezovce, Partizánske, Prusy, Ripňany, Vozokany, Bojná, Domaniža, Plevník, Martin, Ružomberok, Gôtovany - Jasná, Lučenec
Czech Republic: Baška, Dětrichov - Oáza, Choceň, Chvojenec, Kotvrdovice, Letovice, Milovice, Strážnice, Kyjov, Frýdlant, Šumperk, Moravský Žižkov, Dolní Bojanovice
Ukraina: Znamenka
Austrália: Yarrawonga, Corova, Hay, Ivanhoe, Menindee, Broken Hill, Mildura, Balranald
USA: Rosalia, Felts
Finnaly we opened the flying season 2021
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- Ken@knussear
JozinkoKen liked this
A lot of crazy flying I have to hide from the public video... The airport owner told us: I understand why you did that, after 5 moths without flying, but I dont want to see it here again....
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- Jozinko@Sajan
KenJozinko liked this
Looks like fun to me Jozi! I'm ready for the season to begin here as well! SOON