Slovakia: Gajary, Malacky UL, Malacky military, Dubová, Častá, Senica, Myjava, Boleráz, Trenčín, Holíč, Krajné, Krakovany, Piešťany, Dolná Krupá, Trnava, Králová pri Senci, Sládkovičovo, Nové Zámky, Nitra, Želiezovce, Partizánske, Prusy, Ripňany, Vozokany, Bojná, Domaniža, Plevník, Martin, Ružomberok, Gôtovany - Jasná, Lučenec
Czech Republic: Baška, Dětrichov - Oáza, Choceň, Chvojenec, Kotvrdovice, Letovice, Milovice, Strážnice, Kyjov, Frýdlant, Šumperk, Moravský Žižkov, Dolní Bojanovice
Ukraina: Znamenka
Austrália: Yarrawonga, Corova, Hay, Ivanhoe, Menindee, Broken Hill, Mildura, Balranald
USA: Rosalia, Felts
Beautiful weather was here then I decided to go flying.
Looks like a perfect day. I feel the need!
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- Ken@knussear

JozinkoKen liked this
We have saying here: "How it will be at the New Year's Day so it will be the whole year" I was at the Dubova airport in January 1st and met my colleague Jany there. But "something tells us" do not fly today. We were noticed some strange feelings around us: 1) A heavy gusty wind began blowing 2) I forgot my radio at home 3) When we were ready to start my engine coudln't run 4) When we decided to fly only one trike, the gusty wind began be stronger We didn't want to anger to "something" so we cancelled flying for that day.
We returned the next day. I cleaned all ellectrically connectors. But still it didn't work properly. Jany was bringing a special equipment and started finding a problem. He found it. At first he thought it was an ignition computer and we removed it. But we were surprised by accident discovery. The ignition computer worked well the problem was in the ellectricaly contact. Then I put on my winter flying suit and took off. It was quite cold and I watched my instruments. All indicators were in their nominal values. Then I tried a maximum speed... I set up my new speed record with my trike. I've never seen before the value of 150km/h on my indicator. I flew twenty minutes only and I was happy.