Results for "tropical low"



  • Skimming a deserted Beach

    Ok, it was 58°  so  it's not like Central Cali is a tropical paradise.  I LOVE the snow pics you guys send, but sheesh, it looks cold

  • Wings and Whale Sharks

    ...Dec 12 2013, 8:57:07 am PST Hang gliding instructor in South Africa:   Johan Anderson writes: Flying a small microlight over the tropical blue ocean of the Islands of...


  • Drone crashes mount at civilian airports emergency landing, he forgot to put down the wheels. The $8.9 million aircraft belly-flopped on the runway, bounced and plunged into the tropical waters at the airport’s...

  • My thrilling thrillogy...

    ...Bingo! Got that green light, baby! I stepped on the throttle and the Ford-From-Hell lurched south. There was nothing between me and a winter of tropical skies and sweet señori...

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  • 5th March 2013 Cyclone Coral Sea

    A predicted low has started to form and is expected to be a cyclone on Friday. The low is currently just off the coast from Townsville and is showing obviously signs of rotation. It is expected to move out to sea and intensify and then we wait and see which direction it goes.  The models ...

    Tags: Weather, cyclone, tropical low, rain, flood, storm, intensifying, expected