Results for "sand"





  • Weather Photos

    Here are a couple of photo taken in my neighbourhood just the other day.  They show a sand storm over the water just south of us.  Can you imagine flying and seeing that coming towards you??  

  • Epic retrieve

    ...rday, one of our group of three pilots suffered an engine-out and landed on a nice stretch of beach - which unfortunately happened to actually be a sand spit with no road access!&nbs...

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Top-level pages

  • Remembering TWA

    .... The plane slowly left the runway and crossed the end of the runway. The plane was so low that the exhaust from the engines kicked up sand as it flew over the sand dunes at the runway's end...

  • PSA902 Gets Hijacked!

    ...out of the cockpit is very limited due to the aircraft's position, pointing West. All they can see ahead and to the right of them is sand dunes and blackness. To the l...

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