Results for "mayday"



  • Forced Landing Checklist

    ...elt, and turn fuel supply off. I did broadcast on UNICOM that I was having a forced landing but nobody paid attention because I didn't say Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. I spent too much tim...

Top-level pages

  • Incident Report

    ...l with picking a suitable landing strip to land in and then checkingout the aircraft and trying to restart the engine (simulated) he even made the MAYDAY call(simulated). We approache...


  • Forced Landing Checklist

    Pilots tip of the Week:  Forced Landing Checklist Question: "I had an engine failure on downwind and a forced landing in a plowed corn field. I spent the last 500 feet concentrating on landing the airplane but did not block the door open, turn all switches off, tighten seat ...

    Tags: Safety, engine out, checklist, forced landing, mayday, mayday mayday, restart the engine, airplane