Results for "difference"

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  • Flying the Air Creation Tanarg!

    ...this at all. I through it around the sky like a sports car. Any difference? Yes the B13 is heaps b...1400 feet above the runway. I can land at 40kts or 60kts it makes no difference in the handling. I am still f...

  • Drift HD vs Drift Ghost

    ...d GoPro in the past. What is the significant difference between Drift and the Ghost D...her than the battery life? because the price difference is almost 200 dollars and I a...They are very similar in many ways. The only difference that I can point out is the b...

  • Hang Point Trim Speed Adjustment

    ...o hold the nose down at takeoff. Has anyone got experience in the effect of moving the hangpoint of the Cruze wing on trim speed?  How much difference will I see? This wing has...