Results for "departure"




  • Mt Beauty Gathering of Moths

    ...g stand point, it was a goer. Saturday... Pilots started to arrive at 0500 hours. This was good sign and it looked like we would be on time for departure. Wheels-up was just after 060...


Top-level pages


  • Copper State 2015

    ...ucture to fund air traffic control operations at Special Events, there will NOT be a temporary control tower in operation or any special arrival/departure procedures in effect during t...



  • The Signs Were There - when not to fly!

    Today I got some flying experience.  I learned a lesson or two!  Nature can be very unforgiving when you take it on. The wind at 2000ft was VRB/15.  We currently have beautiful weather due to a large high over most of Australia.  The skies are blue and looks great for f...

    Tags: weather, danger, skill, performance, thermals, turbulance, wind, willy, winds, minutes, departure, looked