Results for "brain teasers"

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  • Brain teasers for those that believe down wind turns are "different".

    ...n you might enjoy these brain teasers. Primary context is hang gl...t also applies to flying trikes. Brain teaser #1: 1.) You are flyin...turning upwind? (P.S. Part 3 of brain teaser #1 brings to mind anot...the weight of the fly?)   Brain teaser #2: We are flying in st...

  • Learning to Land - consistently!?

     I am looking for your assistance so PLEASE chime in if you have words of encouragement and wisdom. my instructor - so maybe someone here might have an insight into the way my brain w...

  • Ken and the Weedhopper

    ken and i drove the 600mls to lake alvord in south east oregon, his ford 'exploder' dragging a huge trailer with m...on it. when we were about twenty miles away from the lake, mostly dry, i had a brain-p...

  • Everyday Blonde Jokes

    I have nothing against the blondes, but I think some of these jokes are just funny. If...eek game... What do you call a blonde with 1/2 a brain? Gifted... How can you te...Q: What do you call a zit on a blonde's butt? A: A brain t...