Results for "battery powered"


  • BMW 1200 GS

    Test day at Caldwel Idaho. It's not a Cadillac but its fun. Fuel injected with an alleged ceiling of 17K, Ger...ight. My E1 gauge is nice. It gives me RPM, oil temp, oil pressure, head temp, battery...

  • Klass Cruise - 1.3L geo powered

    My Klass Cruise.  1.3L Geo Metro (Suzuki G13BB) 16 valve fuel injected. Favorite flying field, Massey Maryland  

  • Memorial Day Light Sport Aviation Rally

    The Rally was a great time.  The weather was generally nice and made for some good flying.  There where six trikes, lots of powered parachutes, a couple visiting...

  • Trike Recovery!!!!

    Thank you everyone for the kind comments! I know there are a lot of questions so let me write a few lines of what ha..., but mostly cosmetic damage. The Trike was in great shape. It was missing the battery...