Results for "Williamsburg"


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  • John's Most Excellent Adventure

      John Williams set out June 6 in his Revo, flying from Williamsburg, VA towards New Braunsfel, TX. A family friend Kenzie, is along for the first part leg of this trip as th...


  • 8 Williamsburg headed towards NYC to hook up with Barry M.

    Before I back fill you in on Craig's adventures so far, here's a recent report:From John Williams:Craig and I departed Williamsburg (KJGG) headed towards NYC to hook up with Barry M. We had a nice flight up the coast. Craig did a landing (or touch & go) in Maryland and Delaware on the way up ...

    Tags: Williamsburg, KJGG, NYC, New York, Hudson river, Barry, Maryland, Delaware, Ocean City New Jersey, gust

  • 7 On to John's House (Williamsburg Airport (KJGG))

    Posted June 25th: On to John's [Williams] HouseThe next morning I had the hardest time getting up. Didn't sleep wellthe night before and things were catching up with me. Drove therental car back to the airport and put the seat back and slept for 30minutes before hauling stuff to the trike.The win...

    Tags: John, Wind, First Flight, Wright Brothers, KFFA, Old Chickahominy House, Williamsburg