Results for "Survival"




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  • Survival training for after a ditching: Staying alive

    From AOPA Shivering and panting in the waters just off the Southern California coast, I gripped the white straps of the life raft ladder, found the lowest rung with my foot, and paused. My heart was still racing from hitting the 65-degree water—warm by ocean standards, but cool enoug...

    Tags: Ditching, Survival, Cold, Water, Crash, article, mdash, ladder, water

  • Survival: A grief-stricken father’s mission

    "“She ended up freezing to death out there” Lenz said, ... “She succumbed to hypothermia and collapsed face down in the snow. She ended up freezing to death out there by herself.”" Mark Lenz has the rest of his life to wonder what might have been, to ponde...

    Tags: Wilderness, Survival, Crash, Cold, Fatality, Death, Flight Plan, ELT, GPS Locator Beacon, 121.5 MHz, emergency locator transmitter, survived, succumbing, miles, daughter shyann, freezing to death

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