Results for "Spare Parts"

Discussion topics

  • A Typical Engine Overhaul that I should stock up on spare parts that I might need down the ro...ll if you were to stock up on parts that you might need from..., what would you keep in your spare stock. After reading abou...he HKS engines out there, the spare parts will be available for a...

  • The DC-8 and the Trike (joke)

    One day the pilot of a Trike was told by the tower to hold short of the active the insult go by, came back with a real zinger: “I made it out of DC-8 parts. Another landing like yours a...

  • Over and under engineering

    Recent discussion on a tragic accident thread on CSI has taken a tangent on bolt size...2 places.  This is over engineering!  I am quite confident that other parts of my trike (like the wing) w...

  • Drift HD vs Drift Ghost

    I am thinking of investing in my next camera. I am leaning more towards Drift...rite part and thus saves memory on your card so you are only recording the best parts of your video and I believe t...