Results for "Simonini"


  • The REV

    I had an amazing opportunity to fly the Rev the day before we left for OshKosh! Truthfully, I had never flown a single surface wing and the lightest trike I ever flew before was an Airborne Outback with a SST. So pretty much nothing light, let alone ultralight. I had no idea what to expect. The ...

    Tags: REV, flying, trikes, low and slow, Simonini, ultralight, part 103, evolution, single seat, green

  • Flying the REV

    Enjoy flying the REV Part 103. Even flying with the heavies!

    Tags: single seat, ultralight, part 103, rev, trike, evolution, light, simonini, polini

  • Rev flying with the Simonini Mini 3.

    Flying the latest REV at the Sebring Airshow with the Simonini Mini 3. We will have the newest REV with the Polini Thor 250 debuting at Sun N Fun this year! I hope to get to meet some of you there!

    Tags: single seat, ultralight, part 103, rev, trike, evolution, light, simonini, polini