Results for "Short Landing"

Top-level pages

  • How to short pack a wing?

    Hi everyone, I bought a new wing and my 19 meter strut wing has to go. I wanted to know how do you short pack a wing. Has anyone short packed a 19 meter wing, how l...r wing? If you have pictures that show how to short p...

  • The DC-8 and the Trike (joke)

    One day the pilot of a Trike was told by the tower to hold short of the active runway while a DC-8 back with a real zinger: “I made it out of DC-8 parts. Another landing like yours and I’ll hav...

  • Light Sport Airplane Emergency Landing on Chicago's Lake Shore Drive (LSD)- with video!

    Story and video HERE Two hours after landing his plane on Lake Shore Drive early Sunday, John Pedersen peered past rows of police cars, gaping drivers and news trucks, searching for h...

  • Trike Shimmying at landing

    I went with my friend for a flight today, a few touch and gos, on two of the landings we felt a significant shimmy...a bit low on air and also the second landing was done probably a bit faste...lated tire, coupled with a cross wind landing and all of the above could ha...

  • A true storry

    ...trikes, 4 PPGs and RC models showed there. A short video from my friend, you, because there were a queue of planes for landing, he did nice radio comunicati...t check, 2nd he made two the same mistakes to landing procedures in two flights. It...

  • Learning to Land - consistently!?

     I am looking for your assistance so PLEASE chim...o solo. There is still a chance I could screw up a landing - so why is that? It i...good practice to always use power off approach and landing to be practiced in the event...

  • Intermediate Syndrome

    We have had a spike in relatively new pilots getting list, any all comments are welcome. 1) fear of landing, no fear of takeoff 2) early...8) weather fragility 9) cross winds take offs and landings 10) what to do if cross wind...

  • Searching for Documentary

    Anybody got a link to the trike documentary where a couple of guys were taking off (downhill) and landing (uphill) on a steep rocky mountainside, I think it was the Himalayas?


    i've read about 'goose stepping', seen re...but until this AM i had'nt dun it.  i was landing ( in light rain, ( rain, in w...goose stepping' phase of this my ' 4000th +landing'. it got quite violent fo...