Results for "SPOT"


  • swazys_leap

    .... On the way out, I scanned the surface for Swazy’s Leap,  where the Lower Black Box of the San Raphael narrows to 10-12 ft. At this spot cowboy Sid Swazy, according t...

  • Marble Canyon Airstrip

    We finally made it to Marble Canyon Airstrip, with about an extra hour of daylight remaining.   This is a beautiful spot to base out of with a gas station, grocery store and in the off season, a reasonably priced motel.

  • cutoff_lake.jpg

    ...eceded.  We flew past the concrete boat ramp of the Hite Marina, which was a mile from the river.  The ramp looked like a perfect landing spot. This is a bay, nearly...

  • aiptek_land_mineral1

    ...pstream along the Green to Mineral Canyon.  As I turned to base and final to land, I saw the "Huck Finn" raft parked at the take out spot on the river.  ...

  • Some of the Polson crew

    ...aking this a safe and fun adventure for all who could make it.  As David would say... it was like herding cats to get everyone together in one spot for this photo and there are...